Friday, March 04, 2005

Write Your Congressman

Is this a great country or what?

You know what is great about this country…weekends. Sure they are too short. Sure they seem to fly by in a drunken haze. But come on, weekends are the best part of the week.

I remember when I used to enjoy three day weekends every week. Now that was good times. Working Monday through Thursday and then…Thursday night debauchery. I think we should see if we can work two days a weeks and have a five day weekend. Most of you will still be able to do the same amount of work in two days that you do in the five days you work now – slackers.

Five days would be just enough time for me to enjoy myself on the weekend and then recover before the week starts. Two day weekends just do not afford me enough time to recover. I am usually not really myself until Wednesday. This is a good plan. If we maintain the five day school week, then I think this becomes a perfect plan. You parents know that one of the problems with weekends is that the kids are home all day.

I am sure if we all band together we can get Congress to enact an amendment or a law or something stating that the weekends will now start on Wednesday.

Of course we will need to change a few things. TGIF will need to be changed to TGIT. The restaurant Friday’s will need to change their name to Tuesday’s. Airline rates will decrease based on an overnight Wednesday stay. New movie releases will come out on Tuesday. The $5, $5, $5 pizza deal will need to be moved to Monday. I am sure there are a few more things, but nothing that seems like a deal breaker.

Help me out…write your Congressman. Write the President. Write Arnold, he will get it done.