Thursday, February 24, 2005

Get Qualified First

Is this a great country or what?

I did not really want to start this post off with something really controversial, but what the hell. I am not sure if any of you have tried to purchase a home lately, but the qualification process is unbelievable. There are a lot of reasons why they won’t let you buy a home. You can’t buy a home if you have a bad credit number, you pay your bills late, you owe too much money, or if you do not have a job. Now I understand that buying a house is a big deal and that the people who are entrusting you with this great responsibility have some right to make sure that you can handle the burden and the responsibility of paying for and caring for your home.

So my question is this…why is it so hard to buy a house in this country, and yet they will let any idiot have children. Didn’t see that coming did you? I have seriously considered that we need to make people fill out an application and get qualified before they are allowed to have children. I am not asking for much. But people should meet a few basic requirements before they are allowed to procreate.

1. They can’t be a kid themselves.
2. They should not be living with their parents.
3. They should have a job.
4. They should be able to support themselves in this world…pay their own bills.
5. They should not be on drugs.
6. They should have a good income to debt ratio.

You pretty much have to meet this same list of requirements to purchase a home in this country.

Now I know some of you are going to notice that I did not put anything on the list about being married. That is because I do not think that you need to be married to have kids. Nor do I believe that only heterosexual couples can raise children (a whole other topic). If someone is mature enough and can take care of themselves, let them have kids married or not, gay or not.

I want you to know that I am speaking from very direct experience here. I come from a large family (I guess). I have two brothers and three sisters. I am the oldest and as far as I can tell the smartest, at least when it comes to this subject. I have one child (learned my lesson after the first one). I left the house when I was 18 and have lived and supported myself and my family ever since. I needed to leave the ghetto as soon as possible. Between my 5 siblings, they have 15 children. Most of my siblings could not even support themselves until they hit the age of 30, yet they already had most of these children. My poor parents…now you know why they live in the ghetto. Now, I love my nieces and nephews like you do complete strangers, but there is no way my brothers and sisters would have been approved, in my world, to have this many or in some cases any kids. APPLICATION REJECTED.

Parents are entrusted with a great responsibility. The have a responsibility to raise children into responsible, caring, intelligent, tolerant, well adjusted human beings. Who in turn will do the same for their children. Somewhere over the last generation or so, parents seem to have lost that sense of responsibility toward the nurturing of their children. Why is that?

One reason may be that, when I was growing up, the average family could pretty much live on a single income. Nowadays, all families need to have multiple incomes or they are forced to live in places like Iowa (nothing personal all you Iowanians). This double income required society means kids do not see their parents much, parents can take very little responsibility for raising their kids and kids are growing up without adult supervision. This has left children to learn their values from a Play Station (don’t get me started on videos games). We are creating a generation of kids with no moral integrity, no value system and no self worth. Why do you think we have needed to create all of these new disorders over the last 15 years? It gives parents an excuse for their children’s behavior. In my day a kid was hyper, he did not have ADD and certainly did not require medication.

It is not like this idea is unprecedented. There are countries where couples are only allowed to have one child. I don’t know if we need to do that, although living in an over populated Northern California makes me think this is not a bad idea.

Someone will ask, what do we do with the people who get pregnant and are not qualified. Good question. I did not say I had it all worked out.